
Tuesday, May 30, 2017


If man evolved from apes then why are they still apes?

  • There were many evolutions 
  • Man didn't evolve from apes 
  • They evolved from common ancestors 
How does life change when having a child?
  • 3 out of 10 teen girls get pregnant 
  • When having a kid there's no "I" in his life, it's more on his family
  • Brought more happiness to their life 
  • You have limited things to do and get less sleep

Dowe control the internet or does the internet control us?
  • While using the web we actually don't have our own privacy 
  • They keep all your search engine records enough you think it's private
  • It's bad to search yourself and gives them an advantage 
Should abortion be legal?
  • There are 2 types of abortions medical and in-clinic abortion 
  • Abortion is murder 
  • Many people support it because it's the fundamental right
Time travel 
  • Talked about 2 different shows of time traveling 
  • Dragon ball z
  • Flash 
  • In dragon ball z when u go back to the past and change something the future won't change
  • In the Flash when u go to the past the future would have changed 
Finding your inner voice
  • Let people know who you really are 
  • Example Spongebob Movie Spongebob found his true identity 
Changing life style 
  •  Change your bad life into a better life style 
  • Example her friend was hanging out with the wrong group and so she decided to make a change now she is doing better in school and getting fat good grades
What is Magic?
  • Magic mean many things to many people
  • Magician magic is to show emotion 
  • Magician practice in front of the mirror in order to master the magic 
Who killed Tupac and Biggie?
  • Tupac and Biggie used to be friends 
  • Tupac Murder conspiracy 
  • Notorious B.I.G murder case 
  • Cousin got hit by a care from a Caucasian man he did do anything and he thought everything was normal
  • Family member taken away from I.C.E and was treated worst that prisoners 
  • Immigrant farm workers should be appreciated more 
Sleep paralysis 
  • To get enough sleep so you won't have to go trough it 
  • She talked about her experience 
  • It seemed like someone is sitting on your chest and you can't move
  • It last for a couple of weeks 

Monday, May 1, 2017


First of all I really enjoyed reading the article and I was going to proof read but once I started to read the first four paragraphs I started to get into it more and more and so by the time I checked what time it is I saw that i was getting to the end. So the tone of it was formal serious and also it seemed like that the author was showing a message and other stuff. The way the author used diction and syntax was very unique because he explain about how our generations changed a lot over time. For example he said "Pictures aren’t the same now as when I was a kid, anymore than a song on Pandora is "the same" as "the same song" on a vinyl album" and I agree with him on that on how back then they had big music records and then to musics on radios and now to apps that has all types of genre musics to listem to. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017


So there was 3 prompts to choose from and so I chose the 3rd prompt. The prompt was to explain on how Dr. Preston uses language and rhetorical devices on his essay that he did on about Fahrenheit 451 and reading and so that's what I'm about to do.
I didn't read the entire essay, I only proofed read it and it seemed like most of the paragraphs had some bits of important stuff. For example, in the beginning paragraph he started off with a strong sentence which was "we should read the same books more than once" and I agree because we just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 and I need to read it one more time because there's parts I'm a bit confused on and so maybe if I read it again I would understand it more. Even though I just proofed read the essay I enjoyed and laughed on some parts because Preston included little part of his childhood and also about Taco Bell that if you eat that everyday you can get diabetes and that no one wants that. Dr. Preston then started to compare the book and author with other famous people. Also he started saying about hands and that Montag couldn't control his hands and that it seemed like it had its kind of its own and that it's dangerous.

Monday, April 3, 2017


  1. Montag went to the Blacks house and he to go hide books 
  2. Faber has problems of his own while the war is on and so he doesn't really notice it that much
  3. Faber's TV is really small and its placed behind a picture
  4. On the TV it showed that they still looking for Montag and that they sent out a new mechanical hound 
  5. He was running to the river and was trying to find the other writers

Thursday, March 30, 2017


  1. The hound attacked Montag because Beatty was the one who sent the hound to Montag 
  2. Montag defended himself by aiming the flamethrower at the hound and burned it 
  3. Montag had realized that Beatty wanted to die 
  4. Montag was going to Faber's house 
  5. The beetle car was moving faster than he could 


I think that the book will end by Montag trying to run away by the cops after the murder of Beatty and maybe he might get away and not get caught or he might get caught or maybe something else can happen in the end.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Part 2 questions

1. Mildred and Montag had different Montag was more interested and Mildred wasn't that interested
2. The effect of the bomber kind of showed stresss and a mystery because we don't know why the bombers there
3. Professor Faber is a retired English professor
4. When the commercial went on Montag was speaking loud to talk over it and was memorizing stuff in the Bible
5. The argument was not about the books itself but it's the ideas in it
6. The small green object is a 2 way radio
7. Boring, mindless, and it's a show about nothing
8. Mrs. Phelps cried because she never heard a poem before
9. Montags destination was to go to the firehouse

Montag Kills

Montag turned the flamethrower on Beatty because Beatty kept on pushing Montag and telling him that the books are useless and wanted him to burn his house down, so Montag had enough of it

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


1. Ray Bradbury started the novel that way because he trying to say that the world is fine and that he is immediately trying to capture the readers into the story.
2. Books are compared to birds and so that is a symbol on how books can do to our minds and also it's a symbol on how books are freedom.
3. Clarisse is a curious person and that always want to learn new things, while Montag let things flow and he doesn't even question anything
4. Technology doesn't improve Montags life and also there was some parts where it made it seem like it helped Montags life better. Also there was another part and it showed how empty the technology was in Montags life.
5. The narrator introduces Montag at this time of his to show the conflict of the story.
6. Clarisse gets introduced before  Mildred and so that's when the rising action begins and is probably the most important part of this story.
7. The houses would be fire proof  for safety by the firemens and also when they burn a house it won't be on fire except for the books.
8. Mildred needed emergency service because she overdosed and so Montag called the paramedics and they had 2 machines which was to clean her stomach.
9. The mechanical hound is a dog shaped robot and its purpose is to hunt down and kill people that have violated the law.
10. Clarisse is considered anti-social because she doesn't like to participate on any activities but she does enjoy the activities that she does.
11. When the women lighted the match it because she was protective about the books it defined on how much she cares and won't back off and what she is willing to do.
12. Their relationship is pretty complicated because first. Mildred was trying to commit suicide and by that it's trying to say that she isn't really that happy.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


For the Great Gatsby I see love and dissatisfaction. For Prufrock I see love and time. We chose those for the Great Gatsby because in the story he was in love with Daisy and he wanted to get her back and also dissatisfaction because Gatsby had all this money and he didn't care about that but the one thing he did care about was Daisy. Also we chose love for Prufrock because in the poem it's not clear if he's in love with the person he's talking with and also time because he talks about the future and the past a lot and not the present that much.

Friday, February 3, 2017



In Chapter 3
You will see
There was rumors of Gatsby
Also he threw a party
That he killed someone
Nick got invited 
At the party he didn't know no one
He was delighted 
Jordan & Gatsby talked privately 
As Nick waited by his library 
Saw Daisy's friend 
Saw Gatsby in the end 
Many people didn't get a invitation 
They walked in like it was an invasion 

Thursday, January 26, 2017


The Great Gatsby
 chapter 1
Narrator Nick Garraway
Served in WW1
He's a male
Who graduated from Yale
He came to West Egg
Not as fancy as East Egg
His neighbor was Jay
Across was a large bay
Had many problems
Seeing Daisy was awesome
She's his cousin
Tom is her husband
Introduced Jordan Baker
Is a professional golfer
Gatsby standing on his lawn
Staring at a green light as it was on

Monday, January 16, 2017


  • Domain knowledge 
  • Copying
  • Transformation 
  • Everything is a remix
  • Anybody can remix anything 
  • William burrough invented heavy metal 
  • Led Zeppelin first rock band in America 

Friday, January 13, 2017


I think that music can be considered as literature because the lyrics of a music is like telling a story by the person and on how the that person expresses it with sound and making it rhythm. Also if you search up the definition of literature it is written work that's how music is too.